A Concise Theology of Work

Work tends to be something we do absent-mindedly. Maybe you are currently working at your dream job and enjoy waking up each morning to get at it, but for the rest of us, work tends to be something we do out of necessity, not desire. This is especially true in the secular world and can… Continue reading A Concise Theology of Work

The Unashamed Savior

“For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering. For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying…… Continue reading The Unashamed Savior

Turning on the Temple

The Bible reading plan I am following lands me in the prophets each Friday and this morning found me in Ezekiel 8. In it, God takes Ezekiel on a journey through the streets of Jerusalem, where the iniquity of God’s people is on full display. Ezekiel sees the elders of Israel bowing down to idols… Continue reading Turning on the Temple

Keeping the Trinity One — Some Thoughts on Peter Leithart’s “Keeping the Trinity Personal”

I woke up Friday morning to a somewhat desperate message on Facebook asking “Have you read Leithart’s article?” With an accompanying link. I glimpsed at the article and added it to my OneNote folder to read later. I did my morning Bible reading and got ready for work. Throughout the day, I got no fewer… Continue reading Keeping the Trinity One — Some Thoughts on Peter Leithart’s “Keeping the Trinity Personal”