An Open Letter to the Board of Westminster Theological Seminary

Dear Board of Westminster Theological Seminary,

I recently heard that WTS has suspended the adjunct appointment of Dr. Jeffery Waddington for signing the charges which were filed against Dr. Scott Oliphint. Having watched the address by Dr. Lillback, I was encouraged that the seminary had agreed to take steps not to impede the ecclesiastical process. I am now, however, frustrated to find out that they have acted in this way. Putting the most positive construction on the situation, I choose to believe that the seminary board believed that Dr. Waddington would be facing a conflict of interest, making it impossible for him to act in his ecclesiastical capacity while also being a peer of Dr. Oliphint’s at WTS. However, the appearance is, instead, that WTS has leveled punitive retaliation against Dr. Waddington.

I would urge the board to reconsider their action, immediately reinstate Dr. Waddington, and to issue a statement clarifying exactly what the intent was in taking this misguided action in the first place.

Further, it would behoove the seminary to publicly state that there will be no action taken in relation to any ecclesiastical act by any member of the WTS staff or faculty who is acting in their office as an ordained minister of any NAPARC denomination.