What is the 13th documentary? It is a Netflix documentary about the creation and fallout of the 13th Amendment to the United States constitution, by Ava DuVernay. The 13th Amendment states: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the… Continue reading 13th: A Movie Review
Thoughts on Trump
Ok, in general I don’t post political thoughts on this blog, and in many ways this isn’t a political post. Recently, recordings of the GOP Nominee saying some absolutely vile things has surfaced. It baffles me, but this seems to have been a catalyst which has lead many evangelicals to reconsider their previous stances. Wayne… Continue reading Thoughts on Trump
Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” (6)
Wrap Up I originally intended to provide an in depth analysis for the entire book, but having finished it there are a number of factors which lead me to forego doing so for the latter portion of the book. First, the remaining two chapters focusing on biblical studies are largely a repeated argument, applied to… Continue reading Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” (6)
Divorce, Remarriage, and Consequences
I originally prepared this post on September 19th (2016), but decided not to publish it. At that time, after praying, I felt that since Tullian had not engaged (to my knowledge) in public teaching, writing, or anything else that seemed to represent a desire to continue to be a public personality, that I should treat… Continue reading Divorce, Remarriage, and Consequences
Text Criticism and Matthew 27:34
I recently had a discussion in an online group with a Textus Receptus (TR) advocate regarding Matthew 27:34. The nature of the discussion was a textual variant. The passage reads as follows: they offered him wine to drink, mixed with gall, but when he tasted it, he would not drink it. (ESV) They gave him vinegar… Continue reading Text Criticism and Matthew 27:34
Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” (5)
Today marks the move into the exegetical chapters in the book, and I must admit it is a nice change from the prior entries. The first entry is by Joel Willitts, who is a professor of New Testament at North Park University. New Testament studies is not my strong point, so I will leave my… Continue reading Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” (5)
Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” (4)
Having been disappointed thus far by the contributions by volume editor, Gerald McDermott, I eagerly moved forward to the first essay contributed by Craig Blaising. His presence among the writers was one of the factors which originally caused me to be suspicious of the repeated claim that what was being presented here was not simply… Continue reading Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” (4)
Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” (3)
As we’ve seen in the Introduction and Chapter 1, this work make some very specific claims as to its aims. However, when scrutinized does not follow through on these claims. Chapter 2, unfortunately, is not any different. The thesis statement for Chapter , titled a History of Christian Zionism, is as follows: The burden of… Continue reading Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” (3)
We Affirm against the Autocentric
I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. For it has been reported to me by Chloe’s people that there is quarreling among you, my… Continue reading We Affirm against the Autocentric
Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” (2)
According to the introduction of this book, one of the main aims of the New Christian Zionism (as both a book and a movement) is to displace Supersessionism (26-27). Supersessionim is defined by McDermott as The view that the Christian church has superseded or replaced Israel as the locus of the covenant that God has made… Continue reading Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” (2)