InterVarsity Press has been kind enough to send me a copy of a new collection of essays edited by Gerald McDermott. The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel is a handsome paperback that was released in July of 2016, and includes essays from a wide range of scholars. In its opening chapter, McDermott seeks to… Continue reading Analysis of “The New Christian Zionism” edited by Gerald McDermott (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2016) (1)
Review of “A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament” edited by Miles Van Pelt (Wheaton: Crossway, 2016)
Today, I will be offering a brief review of a valuable new entry into the discussion regarding Biblical-Theology. A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament, edited by Miles Van Pelt, is the first of two volumes devoted to the topic. The second volume is a similar entry on the New Testament, which shall have a review… Continue reading Review of “A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament” edited by Miles Van Pelt (Wheaton: Crossway, 2016)
Biblical Support for Biblical Support
People fall on hard times. This isn’t a new situation. Ever since the land started producing thorns and thistles instead of fruit, people’s labor has at times come up short. In a post 9/11 world, with the collapse of the housing market, people of all types are struggling to make ends meet. Christians, with good… Continue reading Biblical Support for Biblical Support
Some Criticisms of Trevin Wax’s Christian Radio Article
This is a guest post by Austin Gravley. Austin is an intern at Redeemer Christian Church in Amarillo TX, and also works as a professional exterminator. He hopes to attend seminary once he finishes his B.A. in General Studies at WTAMU in Canyon, TX. You can follow him on Twitter at@gravley_austin Update: Shortly after this article was originally… Continue reading Some Criticisms of Trevin Wax’s Christian Radio Article
Church Discipline and Exclusion
Opting out of Church Discipline, is opting out of the Church. – Tony Arsenal In the 18th chapter of Matthew, we have recorded for us a vital teaching for the Church. Found in verses 15-20, the Lord explains to his people how a person who sins against his brothers is to be handled. If your… Continue reading Church Discipline and Exclusion
This We Deny Against the Trinitarians
If you’ve been following the controversy surrounding Bruce Ware and Wayne Grudem, you’ve noted that the salvo of articles seems to have slowed down a little. If I indulge myself in a small bit of speculation, it is because Dr. Ware’s recent Open Letter is quite lengthy and people are taking time to formulate appropriate… Continue reading This We Deny Against the Trinitarians
Your Law is a Lamp Unto My Feet
All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Indeed, when Gentiles,… Continue reading Your Law is a Lamp Unto My Feet
Dr. Ware and the BFM2000
I have recently written about a disturbing turn of events regarding Dr. Bruce Ware. I had some strong words, and I don’t take back any of them. Words Have Meanings It should be noted that Dr. Ware has responded to these critiques in a lengthy open letter, in which he responds to some critiques. Before… Continue reading Dr. Ware and the BFM2000
Heresy and Matters of First Importance
As I have commented in the past, there is a raging battle going on right now on the subject of the Trinity. I tried to break it down for the average person, both in writing and on a recent podcast. I commented in the podcast that those who hold to EFS are still brothers and… Continue reading Heresy and Matters of First Importance
Reflections on Freedom
I live in the United States of America. In 1776 the British Colonies declared their independence from the crown and fought hard to obtain it. July 4th is the day we celebrate that independence, and on that day there are great reflections on freedom, liberty, and independence. However, today I want to reflect on something… Continue reading Reflections on Freedom