A Christian’s Homecoming

This is guest post by Dennis Boyer. Dennis lives in the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire, where he is the Postmaster of a small New England town. He worships at Providence Presbyterian Church (OPC), in Lebanon NH, and is the author of several fiction novels. I glance out my driver’s side window. The large… Continue reading A Christian’s Homecoming

The ERAS/EFS Controversy

For those who are involved in the Christian blogging community, there has been a battle raging in the past week or so regarding the EFS (Eternal Functional Subordination) or ERAS (Eternal Relations of Authority and Submission) positions. These positions are views of the relationship between the Father and particularly the Son, although the Father-Spirit relationship… Continue reading The ERAS/EFS Controversy

Review of “Augustine on the Christian Life” by Gerald Bray (Wheaton: Crossway, 2015)

Augustine on the Christian Life is an entry in the Theologians on the Christian Life series, published by Crossway. This entry, written by Gerald Bray, focuses on the 3rd and 4th-century bishop, Augustine of Hippo. The Theologians on the Christian Life series is a combination of biography and historical theology. Each entry includes a chapter covering the… Continue reading Review of “Augustine on the Christian Life” by Gerald Bray (Wheaton: Crossway, 2015)

A Calvinst Prayer for Zack Hunt

Recently, Zack Hunt posted an article in which he expresses his disdain and disgust for the Calvinist model of Divine Agency. He makes the strong statement that this model is “blasphemy against the Spirit disguised as systematic theology” and that the reason it is a “portrayal of God as a serial child rapist, unabashed murderer,… Continue reading A Calvinst Prayer for Zack Hunt

Common Grace… Objections? (4)

I have been asked to engage a brief, four-part series on the subject of Common Grace. This concept, which is present in every Christian tradition to lesser or greater degrees, is especially prominent in Reformed theology. This is the final in our four-part installment discussing Common Grace. I wanted to close by acknowledging that there are some… Continue reading Common Grace… Objections? (4)

Review of Reformation Study Bible. New King James Version. Orlando: Reformation Trust, 2016. (4)

I was recently blessed to receive a review copy of the much-anticipated revised Reformation Study Bible published by Reformation Trust. This is such a massive resource, that I’ve decided to dedicate several posts to reviewing it. Each post will be dedicated to reviewing a particular aspect of the tome (Book introductions, maps/charts, articles, study notes, etc).… Continue reading Review of Reformation Study Bible. New King James Version. Orlando: Reformation Trust, 2016. (4)

The Eternal Appointment

Blessed is the one     who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take     or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,     and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,     which yields its fruit in season… Continue reading The Eternal Appointment