Common Grace Insights (3)

I have been asked to engage a brief, four-part series on the subject of Common Grace. This concept, which is present in every Christian tradition to lesser or greater degrees, is especially prominent in Reformed theology. Today we will look at some of the Insights that God has given to all humanity as a blessing. These insights serve a… Continue reading Common Grace Insights (3)

Review of Reformation Study Bible. New King James Version. Orlando: Reformation Trust, 2016. (3)

I was recently blessed to receive a review copy of the much-anticipated revised Reformation Study Bible published by Reformation Trust. This is such a massive resource, that I’ve decided to dedicate several posts to reviewing it. Each post will be dedicated to reviewing a particular aspect of the tome (Book introductions, maps/charts, articles, study notes, etc).… Continue reading Review of Reformation Study Bible. New King James Version. Orlando: Reformation Trust, 2016. (3)

Common Grace Institutions (2)

I have been asked to engage a brief, four-part series on the subject of Common Grace. This concept, which is present in every Christian tradition to lesser or greater degrees, is especially prominent in Reformed theology. Today we will look at some of the institutions that God has given to all humanity as a blessing. These institutions… Continue reading Common Grace Institutions (2)

I See Mark Driscoll Things

As many of you know, in the past I’ve been critical of Mark Driscoll. This started before he resigned from MHC, and has continued through his return to ministry. I was quick to point out that his pornographic visions, coarse and offensive language, pugnacious and aggressive behavior, and a history of quarrel seeking and spiritual abuse… Continue reading I See Mark Driscoll Things

Follow the Pattern of Sound Words

I had the privileged of presenting a paper at the 2018 northeast regional meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. My paper was an exploration of the Trinitarian language used in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the 2nd London Baptist Confession. Here is the paper and the audio from the presentation, I hope you enjoy.

Ligonier Statement on Christology – Some Thoughts

Last year, Ligonier published the results of a study which showed that a concerning number of Americans don’t understand the essentials of the faith. I’m not sure that this was a surprise, but to see the numbers on paper was troubling. A large percentage of respondents answered in sub-Christian ways regarding essential statements regarding the person and… Continue reading Ligonier Statement on Christology – Some Thoughts

Trinitarian Sightseeing

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.… Continue reading Trinitarian Sightseeing