Back in September, the inaugural Paideia Center reading groups began. For those who are unfamiliar, this is a project championed primarily by Reformed Theological Seminary and involves groups around the country reading classic works on a given topic and having monthly discussion groups as well as an annual conference. This year —conspicuously timed given recent… Continue reading Gregory Hates Facebook Debates
The Witness of The Word
The pastor ought to have two voices: one, for gathering the sheep; and another, for warding off and driving away wolves and thieves. The Scripture supplies him with the means of doing both. – John Calvin The Holy Scriptures are not only true —and necessarily so— but they are the primary means by which the… Continue reading The Witness of The Word
The Blessing of a Boring Testimony
I’d like to start by clarifying that this idea isn’t original to me. I received a lot of inspiration for this from Joe Thorn on the Reformed Pubcast in the episode where he was discussing his testimony.[ref] around the 29-minute mark[/ref] His testimony itself is quite interesting, but the part that stuck with me is… Continue reading The Blessing of a Boring Testimony
Is The Bible Reliable?
The Bible is the cradle wherein Christ is laid. – Martin Luther If you’re ever at a loss of words when trying to articulate any given theological topic, I find the best place to turn is to the historic Reformed Confessions. The men who penned the words in the Confessions agonized for countless hours over… Continue reading Is The Bible Reliable?
“Have I been with you so long…”
One of the trips I remember taking with my parents was to Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas. Where most of the world’s diamonds are mined deep out of the earth, here, in a little spot just outside of Murfreesboro, these precious gems are scattered about in a simple plowed field and can be found with… Continue reading “Have I been with you so long…”
Why I’m no longer a Theistic Evolutionist (Introduction)
I am very pleased to bring to you a series of posts by a good friend of mine named Chris Lilley. I met Chris while we were students at Bethel University in Arden Hills, Minnesota. Both of us were students in the Biblical and Theological Studies program, and Chris was a year behind me. I… Continue reading Why I’m no longer a Theistic Evolutionist (Introduction)
Papacy, Prosperity, and Catholic Answers Live
As of late, I have added the popular Roman Catholic call-in show Catholic Answers Live to my podcast retinue. The reasons are plenty, but the two primary reasons are 1) it is good to get a theology you are critical of directly from a reputable source (rather than just reading critical treatments) and 2) it is… Continue reading Papacy, Prosperity, and Catholic Answers Live
A Concise Theology of Work
Work tends to be something we do absent-mindedly. Maybe you are currently working at your dream job and enjoy waking up each morning to get at it, but for the rest of us, work tends to be something we do out of necessity, not desire. This is especially true in the secular world and can… Continue reading A Concise Theology of Work
The Unashamed Savior
“For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering. For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying…… Continue reading The Unashamed Savior
Turning on the Temple
The Bible reading plan I am following lands me in the prophets each Friday and this morning found me in Ezekiel 8. In it, God takes Ezekiel on a journey through the streets of Jerusalem, where the iniquity of God’s people is on full display. Ezekiel sees the elders of Israel bowing down to idols… Continue reading Turning on the Temple