Reflecting on the idea of Eternal Functional Subordination (EFS) the thought struck me: What if there was a plurality of will within the Godhead? What if the Son did willingly submit to the Father from all eternity, as has been asserted by those who argue for EFS? I argue that the potential exists for the… Continue reading Tragedy in the Cosmos: A Plurality of Will within The Godhead.
The Absurdity of Idols
Are you attempting to find satisfaction through sex, spending untold amounts of time surfing the web or swiping right? Or maybe your idolatry takes more subtle forms and you would rather debate the finer points of theological issues than meditate on God and His Word; you would rather philosophize about God than experience intimacy with… Continue reading The Absurdity of Idols
2 Chronicles 30, The Regulative Principle of Worship, and the Intercession of Christ
I was reading 2 Chronicles 30 the other day, and something jumped out at me that was a real eye-opener. Hezekiah, as many of the kings of Judah were, was a Reformer of sorts. At the beginning of the divided kingdom, one of the typological features which pointed to the remnant nature of Christ’s Church… Continue reading 2 Chronicles 30, The Regulative Principle of Worship, and the Intercession of Christ
A Plea Concerning Billy Graham’s Passing
I don’t know much about Billy Graham. I grew up in what you would call a “conservative evangelical” home but I had little to no interest in preaching or famous evangelists. So while Mr. Graham was busy preaching revivals, I hardly batted an eye. Flash forward to 2018 and I’m a senior at Bible college.… Continue reading A Plea Concerning Billy Graham’s Passing
By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed
Murder is a terrible thing. It destroys more than just the lives of those who are killed. On Wednesday, February 14th, 2018, Nikolas Cruz[ref]As of 7:42 AM on 2/17/2018 Cruz has not been convicted or pleaded guilty of the crime. He has, however, stated that he would be willing to plead guilty in order to… Continue reading By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed
When the Rooster Crows
For the past few months, my pastor has been working through the Gospel of Mark in a series entitled The King and His Cross. This past Lord’s Day, we were in Mark 14. The message covered almost the entire chapter and what stood out to me most was a tiny, off-the-cuff comment my pastor made… Continue reading When the Rooster Crows
Review of “Retrieving Eternal Generation” edited by Fred Sanders and Scott Swain (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017)
The doctrine of eternal generation is absolutely vital to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. Without it, we are left not with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit… but with three nameless, faceless, and relationless divine persons. However, in recent years this doctrine has come under attack. On the other side of the… Continue reading Review of “Retrieving Eternal Generation” edited by Fred Sanders and Scott Swain (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017)
Review of “Learning to Love the Psalms” by W Robert Godfrey (Orlando: Reformation Trust, 2017)
The Psalms are commonly known as the Hymnbook of the Bible. Beyond a notebook of praise, it also contains some of the most well known and well-loved prayers in Scripture. However, in modern times many evangelicals —even those who would be counted among the so-called New Calvinists— are simply unfamiliar with this deep treasure trove.… Continue reading Review of “Learning to Love the Psalms” by W Robert Godfrey (Orlando: Reformation Trust, 2017)
Review of “God Is” by Mark Jones (Wheaton: Crossway, 2017)
The true and living God is too much for us to bear, to handle, to conceive, to adore, to know, to trust, to understand, and to worship. The Incomprehensible One is simply too much for us in every conceivable way. That is how Mark Jones starts out his book on the attributes of God. God Is… Continue reading Review of “God Is” by Mark Jones (Wheaton: Crossway, 2017)
Calvin and Henry on Hebrews… contra Eternal Functional Subordination
This year, I have decided to do a deep dive read of the book of Hebrews. It is such a fountain of Christology, Soteriology, and Covenant Theology that it is in many ways the central cog upon which Reformed theology turns. As part of that deep dive, I am not only reading Hebrews repeatedly but… Continue reading Calvin and Henry on Hebrews… contra Eternal Functional Subordination