Today, the online world lit up with a trailer for a forthcoming film titled By What Standard? This film is a production driven by a group within the Southern Baptist Convention called Founder’s Ministries. You can check out the trailer at the Founders Ministries website. I should lay my cards on the table here. In… Continue reading The 9th Commandment, Integrity, and Lack Thereof
Deum docet
Without a God to be the subject of our theology… there would be no theology to study. Without a God to be the subject of our theology, there would be no student to study theology.
theologia a Deo docetur
Today we come to the final part of our short series on the scholastic Christian axiom theologia a Deo docetur, Deum docet, et ad Deum ducit. When translated, this phrase means “Theology is taught by God, teaches God, and leads to God.” More or less, this phrase encapsulates the theological discipline called prolegomena. Prolegomena is… Continue reading theologia a Deo docetur
et ad Deum Ducit
If our theological pursuits do not yield the practical outcome of doxological joy, then we have missed the point. This would be akin to learning everything you can about a woman, and never asking her out on a date.
The Christian Memorial Day
Every year in the United States of America, on the last Monday of May, American’s pause to reflect on and remember the lives of those who have given their lives in the line of military duty. It is intended to be a day of ceremony, symbolism, and somber reflection on the cost that many have… Continue reading The Christian Memorial Day
The Myth of a Christian Baby Daddy
ba·by dad·dy the father of one or more of a woman’s children, especially one who is not her husband or current partner. Recently, in an historic first, the state of Alabama passed a near total ban on abortion at any stage of human fetal development. Furthermore, the ban includes the threat of prosecution for any… Continue reading The Myth of a Christian Baby Daddy
Does God Ordain All Things?
The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord . Proverbs 16:33 ESV In this article, I hope to go over a portion of the Westminster Confession of Faith, and hopefully relay some truths about how God operates in our world. …working all things according to the counsel of… Continue reading Does God Ordain All Things?
The Folly of Denying Eternal Generation or Eternal Procession
Recently in the world of Reformed theology, there has been a resurgence of interest in the subject of Theology Proper. This has largely been driven by criticisms leveled by Particular Baptists like James Dolezal, who have identified a trajectory of departure within certain quarters of Reformed theology. As of late, well known Westminster Professor, Scott… Continue reading The Folly of Denying Eternal Generation or Eternal Procession
Be Imitators
Recently, I was struck by something I saw at church. I was on stage as part of the band and I saw a woman standing next to her son. As she raised her hands, clapped, and so on, her son kept a laser focus on her and followed her actions as close as he could.… Continue reading Be Imitators
Most Free God
God can do whatever He wants. The end. Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases. Psalms 115:3, ESV Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed my article! Now, I absolutely could end it there and everything in the article would be absolutely true, but let’s go over a few particulars when… Continue reading Most Free God